For my article summary, I chose the article “Abstracting Evidence: Documentary Process in the Service of Fictional Gameworlds“ by Aaron…
By Sidd Rao Hundred Thousand Billion Fingers looks at the behind the scenes of the Super Mario Bros in general…
The article Towards a Comprehensive Model of Mediating Frustration in Videogames by David Melhart is a study exploring the ideas of…
link to article: Summary In this article, Anderson examines the rise of Twitch and the new type of interactions that have…
Glory to Arstotzka: Morality, Rationality, and the Iron Cage of Bureaucracy in Papers, Please, written by Jason Morrissette and published…
Thomas Apperley and Darshana Jayemane’s “Game Studies’ Material Turn,” published in Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture vol. 9 is an interesting article that discusses the ways in which material contexts in video games can be analyzed.
link: The article Towards a Comprehensive Model of Mediating Frustration in Video Games was written by David Melhárt and published…
Ability, Disability and Dead Space, published by Diane Carr in Game Studies, focuses on representations of ability and disability in the…
The article: The Dreamcast, Console of the Avant-Garde by Nick Montfort and Mia Consalvo Summary: In this article Monfort and…
In the Journal for Computer Game Culture, Lisa Gotto writes about how ludic seriality offers a way to discuss the…